Kehra Koguduse noorte leht


Who we are

Here comes content for international reader.

Kehra Church was established about 100 years ago in Free Church revival movement. Today we belong to Union of Evangelical Free and Baptist Churches.

Today we have about 100 members, both young and old, men and women.

Our confession is more or less traditional evangelical. Our worship style and faith practising is rather charismatic. We expect church members to be newborn Christians and value their commitment to ministry with their natural and spiritual gifts.

Kehra Church is committed to worship God with all means we have. We have our traditional Sunday Services where we celebrate Christ as God's family as well as different age and activities groups.

On Sunday mornings we praise God and minister people. Worship band and different choirs are involved into worship service. Preaching tends to be instructive. There is always free mic for testimonies. After the service in meeting hall we try to build some informal fellowship offering coffe and snack. On Sunday afternoons Russian-speaking group gathers for worship.

During the week some home groups do praying and personal evangelism. Almost every day there is something going on in Church also - choir practising, scout and children groups, bible studies, morning and evening prayer and worship meetings etc.

There is strong youth work in our church. Youth weekly meetings occur on Saturdays. Together with Tallinn Methodist Church we recently started Russian speaking youth group.

Our church runs regular Alpha courses for adults and for yout too.

Here is brief information in English how we prepare for babies and mothers room. This page was translated for our friendship congragation in Illinois, USA.

Viimati muudetud: Kolmapäev 23. Juuli 2008 19:09

© Kehra Kogudus
Vaatajaid praegu: 10 • täna: 168 • alates kokku: 41292


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