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Who we are


Who we are

We are Christians. If that does not say all, read please little more below.

Kehra Church was established in year 1900 in Free Church revival movement. Roots of local spiritual movement may be traced even fiveteen ears earlier.

Today we belong to Union of Evangelical Free and Baptist Churches.

We have about 100 members, both young and old, men and women. Our confession is traditional evangelical. Our worship style and faith practising is rather contemporary or as many would say, charismatic.

We expect church members to be newborn Christians and value their commitment to ministry with their natural and spiritual gifts.

Viimati muudetud: Teisipäev 4. Märts 2008 20:45

© Kehra Kogudus
Vaatajaid praegu: 4 • täna: 152 • alates kokku: 41276


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