Euroteam 2008







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Euroteam 2003

Euroteam 2004

Euroteam 2006

Euroteam 2008



EuroTeam 2008 lugu. EuroTeam 2008 story.

This page will contain information about EuroTeam 2008 in Kehra, including pictures etc. You can bookmark and send that to your home so they can see how you are doing here. See also EuroTeam 2003 , 2004 and 2006 story.

As far as we know this year 10 persons are coming and staying 12.-26.7.2008. Most of them are high school students and coming from Canada. Links above show what some previous teams did here. This year may come little different but we'll see.

You were interested where you go and what it will be like. Well, read a lot about Estonia [wiki], and less about our town Kehra. [wiki]. And real location should be seen below ("A" marker marks the building we will be).

View Larger Map on Google

As team will be mostly youth, then we expect good cooperation with our youth group. Are they cool? Well, see shots from couple months from here when they had Youth Alpha retreat.

Now you wanted see how the life and accommodation will be. Some shots from outside an inside.

The building


...with attached lounge


and toilet

Example of the room (not preared yet)

And room prepared and waiting for you :)

Viimati muudetud: Pühapäev 27. Juuli 2008 11:21

© Kehra Kogudus
Vaatajaid praegu: 2 • täna: 148 • alates kokku: 41272


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