Kehra Church

Our Building Project

Who we are in Estonian

Here we will provide some details about our building project.

Kehra Church has nice building, built for office of Soviet Collective Farm. We acquired facilities in 1994. Already then we knew that time comes when all people cannot fit into largest office room in the building. Quite often you may see picture like that:Current hall

Even so we have seats for 60 adult and may be 20 children. There is not enough space and air to breath. Many people are sitting in the passage or foyer and listening service through loudspeakers. Worst thing is that hinders future growth.

Church has prayed and sought solution. Now, when all payments for building are paid, we decided rearrange another side of the building into new meeting hall. This was used as dining hall previously by collective farm.

New room will have good look because of glass gallery window. Removing some pillars, partitions and deepening the floor we can fit 150-200 seats into that room. There is look from outside where location of the new hall is located by a red label..New meeting hall

Next picture shows general floor plan. There is main entry on left side, main hall with seats (green) and steps and platform (yellow). In right corner is place for mothers and infants room.


We have opened special bank account for dedicated donations to building the meeting hall.

Hansapank , Kehra Kogudus, account no 1120056881.

For foreign money transfer there are some more details available:

(Western Union or Travelers Express)
Estonian Receiving Bank is HANSAPANK
address: Liivalaia 8, Tallinn, 15040, ESTONIA
S.W.I.F.T: (code) HABAEE2X
Kehra Church
Bank code: 1120056881
Eesti EKB Liidu Kehra Kogudus (Kehra Church)

2)Personal Check (Wire Transfer)
Estonian Receiving Bank is HANSAPANK
address: Liivalaia 8, Tallinn, 15040, ESTONIA
S.W.I.F.T: (code) HABAEE2X 1120056881
Kehra Church
Bank code: 1120056881
Eesti EKB Liidu Kehra Kogudus (Kehra Church)

Hannes Pikkel Church manager Hannes Pikkel ( is currently responsible for all construction works.

Most of building works are done by church members and friends, for some specific jobs also hired workers.

Pray for us!

Some shots from building:

Chairman of Church Board Ilmo Kannike and pastor Alland Parman working on building.

 Ilmo Kannike Pastor Alland Parman
Some young Rambos removing walls
Building Building
Old floor removed. Pillars are next to remove.

Look for more shots here

Homepage in Estonian

© Kehra Kogudus 1998,1999,2000. Design Alland Parman
Kreutzwaldi 1, Kehra, 74306, Estonia. Tel:372-6084384; Fax: 372-6085696; GSM: 372-56-465384; e-mail: